On Dec 22, 3:01 pm, hal-use...@ip-64-139-1-69.sjc.megapath.net (Hal
Murray) wrote:
> >Okay the ppstest is asserting and clearing but still no ntpq -p reach:
> The NMEA driver doesn't look at the PPS until it gets valid data
> on the serial port.
> What type of GPS unit are you using?
> Have you changed any of the default settings? (like baud rate)
> --
> These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

I'm using Garmin LVC's.  I used the windows config program on one of
them and changed the baud rate to 9600, turned the PPS on, and enabled
NEMA 3.x.
The other one I configured using cu.  I turned off all of the output
sentences except for GPGG and turned the PPS on.

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