On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 23:53:49 GMT, Unruh <unruh-s...@physics.ubc.ca>

>George R. Kasica <geor...@netwrx1.com> writes:
>>>>>>sym links from
>>>>>>/dev/gps0 -> /dev/ttyS0
>>>>>>/dev/pps0 -> /dev/ttyS0
>>>>>>running the gpsd and the 18LVC off ttyS0 at 4800 baud settings on
>>>>>>18LVC done as per quan web page docs to set NEMA and PPS auto Off etc.
>>>>>>setserial /dev/ttyS0 uart 16550A port 0x03f8 irq  4 baud_base 115200
>>>>>>spd_normal skip_test low_latency
>>>>>>/usr/sbin/gpsd -b -n /dev/ttyS0
>>>>>>./shmpps -d /dev/ttyS0 -s -l DCD -u 0 -c
>>>Ah, you are NOT running the kernel PPS. You are running the shm refclock
>>>using the timing of the serial port driver. 
>>Correct. Getting the pps patch to work here with the rpm based kernels
>>for Fedora Core 9 has proven to be problematic. Has anyone got any
>>pointers or managed to get this working?
>Why do it? There is nothing wrong with the shm driver. It will discipline
>the clock as well as (better than?) the kernel patch.
OK. That is the type of experience information I need to know. I have
no idea what is good or bad here with this device. Thank you.

>>>>>>my ntpd.conf looks like:
>>>>>>server minpoll 4 prefer
>>>>>>fudge refid PPS flag3 1
>>>That is solely the shm refclock driver which is coming off your serial port
>>>interrupt. You do not have the serial nmea data coming in at all to your
>>>system it looks to me.
>>If I switch to the following settings I can seem to get NEMA data but
>>then I lose the PPS function which hurts the accuracy far more. Do you
>>know if shm can somehow allow both with some type of setting - ideally
>>that is what I'm trying to accomplish through the shm driver or
>>something else without hacking the kernel, etc??
>Have both!. Nothing says you need to use only one or the other. Use the
>shm pps as the preferred but the nmea to get the seconds right. 
>The pool servers are then simply as a backup.
>Ie also use as a server.
>>server minpoll 4 prefer
>>fudge flag3 1 flag2 0
OK. I've added back the GPS NEMA lines as well as the PPS lines and
thing seem to be working here. Will see how it goes over the next day
or so. This is exactly what I was looking to try to do. 

Again, thank you very much.

Right now ntpq looks like this (after just a few min restarted @ 1200Z
12/28/08)  I'm assuming things will settle back down over time and I
will once again start to use the local time sources instead of marking
them as false tickers?:

# ntpq -p
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset
xGPS_NMEA(0)     .GPS.            0 l   16   16  377    0.000   12.677
xSHM(0)          .PPS.            0 l   12   16  377    0.000    8.410
-eagle-local    2 u   99  128   37    0.166  724.868
-apollo-local  2 u   98  128   37    0.215  706.214
 mumnunah.csse.u .INIT.          16 u    -   64    0    0.000    0.000
+tick.usask.ca   .GPS.            1 u   97  128   37  105.157  702.859
*clock.isc.org   .GPS.            1 u   95  128   37   63.669  702.671
-time.nist.gov   .ACTS.           1 u   94  128   37   72.814  691.122
-server.donkeyfl      2 u   93  128   37   30.919  706.994
+ip-72-167-54-20    2 u   93  128   37   83.165  702.973
-ns1.bluebottle.    2 u   88  128   37   25.726  712.661

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