George R. Kasica <> writes:

>On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 12:30:39 +0000, David Woolley
><> wrote:

>>George R. Kasica wrote:
>>> still seing both of the local GPS/PPS entries as false tickers but I
>>> also see the offsets are huge compared to other clocks...where do I go
>>> from here to correct this??
>>You are probably detecting the wrong edge (wrong polarity) of the second 
>So how in the world do I fix this? 

>Prior to having both NEMA and PPS running at the same time all was
>working well with just PPS and the shm driver.

What are you using to drive the shm refclock? 
Of course you can continue to use just pps-- obvioulsy something has gotten
messed up.

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