On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 16:25:52 +0000, David Woolley
<da...@ex.djwhome.demon.co.uk.invalid> wrote:

>George R. Kasica wrote:
>> I have good PPS and am getting GPS NEMA in as well but the offset for
>> the NEMA data seems quite large....what would I do to fix that??
>Nothing.  It's normal.
>NMEA feeds from GPS receivers have rather low priority for timing data 
>and can easily err by this sort of amount.
>Actually, you may be able to fudge the NMEA (note spelling) time to 
>compensate for the systematic part of the error, but there is no 
>guarantee that there won't be a large random component.
OK. Sorry about the bad typing...clumsy brain/finger connection....so
what would cause the gpsd daemon to mess this up so badly then? I
don't need it here, but it would be nice to know for future reference
as I've beat my head on the wall for near on two weeks now.

Would it be worth a fudge correction and if so by how much? Half the
average error about all the average error or just leave it alone?


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