On Thu, 01 Jan 2009 07:43:13 GMT, "David J Taylor"
<david-tay...@blueyonder.neither-this-part.nor-this-bit.co.uk> wrote:

>Laws, Peter C. wrote:
>> I enjoyed my extra second, how about you?
>> I was amused that WWV announced that it was *going to* happen in the
>> 4th minute ... after the insertion.  :-)
>Well, thankfully it was a complete non-event here:
>  http://www.satsignal.eu/ntp/ntp-events.htm#2008-12-31
>My thanks to those who wrote the GPS & PPS code, made the Windows 
>leap-second code, and made the Windows port available.  It all went 
>without a hitch.
>I see from another list that even Apple.com had a server which missed the 
>Thanks, and a Very Happy New Year!
Maybe thats' what started killing the Microsloth Zunes earlier in the
day ?? LOL (Just kidding - very glad I don't work for MS right now)
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