"David J Taylor" <david-tay...@blueyonder.neither-this-part.nor-this-bit.co.uk> 

>Unruh wrote:
>> Apparently a number of Linux machines completely locked up at the leap
>> second. Problems in the kernel ntp.c code apparently.

>Oh, that's interesting.  Do you have any specific references?  I haven't 
>looked at the source code, but I would have thought that ntp.c sounded 
>like a fairly fundamental part of the code.  For any future projects, I 
>intend to stick to FreeBSD.

Go to the Debian newsgroups. linux.debian.user  Subject: hard crash on leap
The problem has not been tracked down definitively ( or even that the
problem was with the leap second) but it is suggestive.
Unfortunately we will have to wait 3 or 4 years for the next test.


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