j...@specsol.spam.sux.com wrote:
> Solaris 10 Update 6 IS the latest release of Solaris and the provided
> NTP is nowhere near the latest downloadable version of NTP.
> I would have to check, but I am pretty sure the same is true for
> HP-UX.
> Not everyone runs Linux nor do they usually choose a OS for a rather
> obscure feature like NTP.
> To get back to the original topic, it seems to me if one really cares
> about absolute time, having just one hardware clock is not a very
> robust solution no matter what OS or version of NTP is being used.
> I have one client that does care and has GPS timeserver appliances
> at several sites with all the sites using all the NTP servers as
> potential
> sources so failing a major catastrophe at all sites, there is
> redundancy.

If Solaris or HP-UX is still supplying NTP 3, I would be rather worried.

I don't run Linux either.

Yes, and I would want mixed-source reference clocks - i.e. some GPS and 
some radio.  I suppose some atomic, although I've never needed timekeeping 
to that level.


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