In article <49745d61$0$185$>,
 Nero Imhard <> writes:
> David J Taylor schreef:
> > Are current versions of FreeBSD much better for timekeeping than 
> > Linux?
> In my rather subjective raw user (or rather: administrator) experience
> there are just too many little problems getting ntp to work decently
> starting from a stock Linux, and the result never instills full
> confidence (at least with me...).

I guess I must have just been lucky, then.  Having twice recently turned 
a Windows server into a Linux (=Debian) server, my experience is that
the hardware that used to jump around tens of ms and hundreds of PPM
converges to a couple of ms in a few hours and stays there; having decided
on a drift value, it tends to stick with it.  I've yet to build NTP for
Linux.  I just fire-and-forget, straight from the distribution.

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