
The NTP discipline executes a frequency correction once per second; the 
kernel executes a correction once per timer interrupt. Assume an 
intrinsic oscilator frequency error of 100 PPM. Do the math.


Dave Hart wrote:

>On Mar 25, 9:19 pm, Unruh <unruh-s...@physics.ubc.ca> wrote:
>>I have no idea why and whether kernel PPS code is any better ( or worse)
>>than say PPS discipline using the shm PPS refclock using parallel port
>>interrupt. Ie, both can discipline
>>to about 1-2usec level.
>Re-read the thread, then.  A kernel clock disciplined by PPS allows
>PPS to continue to discipline the clock when ntpd's PPS implementation
>stops doing so because of a prefer peer problem.
>>The main problem is that the ntp model is too slow
>>reacting to temperature induced drifts.
>I'm sure that's your main problem re ntpd, but it's completely
>tangential to the thread.
>>>The complete system doesn't serve time to others. It's intention is
>>>monitoring. I'm building this as a diploma thesis for a
>>>telecommunication company. They have a large number of ntp servers
>>>with GPS receivers (called SSU) across the country. So my system only
>>>watches the offsets, that these SSUs have to assure that they are OK.
>>They can monitor only to the msec (or 1/10 msec)  level unless the other 
>>systems are at the same place.
>I think he's monitoring the self-reported offsets between the NTP
>disciplined clock and the local GPS receiver.  Network delay would not
>be a factor if so.
>Dave Hart
>questions mailing list

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