"David J Taylor"
<david-tay...@blueyonder.not-this-part.nor-this.co.uk.invalid> wrote in

>> The 500 PPM limit may be completely arbitrary but I suspect that it 
>> includes a vast majority of computer clocks.
> I think this is an excellent point.  It would be fascinating to see a 
> histogram of computer clock frequency error, so that one could make a 
> statement like "500ppm satisfies 98% of computer clocks" with some
> degree of authority.  I'm not aware of any such data, though.

I fail to see the value or relevance of "500ppm satisfies 98% of computer 
clocks" if some other number, perhaps 5000 ppm, could satisfy yet even more 
than 98% of computer clocks with no downside - as indeed seems to be the 
case!  Chrony, whatever its other merits and demerits, is an "existence 
proof" for this proposition.


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