"Unruh" <unruh-s...@physics.ubc.ca> wrote in message
> E-Mail Sent to this address will be added to the BlackLists
<n...@blacklist.griffin-technologies.invalid> writes:
>> Unruh wrote:

>>> It is an unshielded  efficient radiator, the motherboard.
>>>  Unshielded because the manufacturer does not want to spend
>>>   the money to shield it.
> >Do you buy / use equipment that you have decided are the source
> >  of objectionable levels of EMI?
> I do not have the equipment to measure the radiation given off.
> The manufacturers do. If you tell me how I can get the information
> as to how much it emits, I will certainly include that in my decision
> process.

The motherboard that costs an unexplained ten dollars more than the
competition _may_ have spent it on shielding. Guess how many people
will buy it? Remember, by your own admission, _you_ _cannot tell_.

(Lying on the box? Who'd do such a horrible thing?)

Maarten Wiltink

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