"Unruh" <unruh-s...@physics.ubc.ca> wrote in message
> "Maarten Wiltink" <maar...@kittensandcats.net> writes:
>> "Unruh" <unruh-s...@physics.ubc.ca> wrote in message
>> news:lv9ym.47716$ph1.37...@edtnps82...
>>> E-Mail Sent to this address will be added to the BlackLists
>>> <n...@blacklist.griffin-technologies.invalid> writes:
>>>> Unruh wrote:

>>>>> It is an unshielded  efficient radiator, the motherboard.
>>>>>  Unshielded because the manufacturer does not want to spend
>>>>>   the money to shield it.
>>>> Do you buy / use equipment that you have decided are the source
>>>>   of objectionable levels of EMI?
>>> I do not have the equipment to measure the radiation given off.
>>> The manufacturers do. If you tell me how I can get the information
>>> as to how much it emits, I will certainly include that in my
>>> decision process.
>> The motherboard that costs an unexplained ten dollars more than the
>> competition _may_ have spent it on shielding. Guess how many people
>> will buy it? Remember, by your own admission, _you_ _cannot tell_.
>> (Lying on the box? Who'd do such a horrible thing?)
> That is why one has regulations.

Indeed. Just imagine the radio interference that e.g. motherboards
might cause if there were no rules limiting it.

(As another, very practical, example of well-intentioned regulations,
there is the 'CE' mark featured on products that should be safe to
use. There is a test to determine if your product may carry it.

OR - you can simply slap it on and wait to be challenged. Then, if
the challenger proves you don't deserve the mark, you have to take
it off. A procedure officially sanctioned as 'self-declaration'.)

Maarten Wiltink

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