David J Taylor wrote:
> "Rick Jones" <> wrote in message news:hb06gb$dq...@usenet01.boi.hp.com...
> []
>> ftp://ftp.cup.hp.com/dist/networking/briefs/nic_latency_vs_tput.txt
>> is an old writeup, but it should give the gist of it.
> Thanks for posting that, Rick, it gave me cause for thought.  (In 
> particular, how Windows Vista / Windows-7 which can throttle the network 
> adapter, might affect timekeeping).

With switches the problem tends to be the strategy for handling
(potentially) colliding traffic.
"Passthrough", "store-and-forward", "drop/cause resend" have massively different
transit times.
Depending on traffic density any single switch will use a mix of all 


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