Uwe Klein <uwe_klein_habertw...@t-online.de> wrote:
> With switches the problem tends to be the strategy for handling
> (potentially) colliding traffic.
> "Passthrough", "store-and-forward", "drop/cause resend" have
> massively different transit times.
> Depending on traffic density any single switch will use a mix of all
> transfertypes.

I don't think it is what you meant by "drop/cause resend" but
something else "new" in 1 Gigabit Ethernet relative to old 10/100 is
support for pause and resume (moral equivalent to xon/xoff?) flow

rick jones
oxymoron n, commuter in a gas-guzzling luxury SUV with an American flag
these opinions are mine, all mine; HP might not want them anyway... :)
feel free to post, OR email to rick.jones2 in hp.com but NOT BOTH...

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