E-Mail Sent to this address will be added to the BlackLists wrote:
> David Woolley wrote:
>> Steve Kostecke wrote:
>>> On 2009-10-22, David Woolley wrote:
>>>> I believe that the official policy line is that database
>>>>  systems that require monotonic time for their
>>>>  distributed transaction logic are fundamentally flawed.
>>> It is the database people who require monotonic time.
>> Transaction logic implied databases.
>>> If there is an "official policy line" it is that any
>>>  system with a clock which drifts past the step threshold
>>>  is fundamentally flawed.
> I guess I could see 10 minutes (or more) if the time had
>  never been set to anything reasonable;  However 10 minutes
>  seems really far out for something that was previously
>  syncing with NTP servers (or any other source of time).
I don't see what "previously synching" has to do with anything.
If previously synching means three weeks ago, it's meaningless!
If it means thirty minutes ago, I would expect the clock to be
within a few milliseconds of the correct time.  If not I would
regard the clock as broken!  I'm assuming reasonably constant temperature!


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