On 2009-12-06, Richard B. Gilbert <rgilber...@comcast.net> wrote:
> David J Taylor wrote:
>> "Steve Kostecke" <> wrote in message 
>> news:slrnhhnbad.o4k.koste...@stasis.kostecke.net...
>>> On 2009-12-06, David J Taylor <david-tay...@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
>>>> I have chosen not to install it on one other Windows-7 system (Hydra)
>>>> and the performance of 4.2.5 is rather worse than 4.2.5.
>>> ???
>> See the graph for PC Hydra here:
> I think you have missed the point of Steve's "???"!!!
> He was commenting on your statement that "4.2.5 is rather worse than 
> 4.2.5"!  Since it is logically impossible it's also highly questionable!

It is not logically impossible (after all had he said Dave is rather
worse than Dave, you might have asked him to disambiguate, to use the
Wikipedia neologism, but would not say it is logially impossible), but
the suspicion is that there is a typo in there.

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