"Dave Baxter" <s...@goes.nowhere.com> wrote in message 
> Hi again.
> Well, after spending a lot if time reading (while sniffing) again, and
> restarting from zero (again!)  I seem to have the Meinberg Windows port
> of NTPD etc working as a local Stratum 3 server on my LAN.  From that
> you will note I have not yet got the GPS hooked up, but I have installed
> all Dave Hart's code to (hopefully) enable PPS support when I get to do
> that.
> Many thanks to all here for their advice and support with all this.
> Very much appreciated I can tell you!
> I will probably be back when I get the GPS RX sorted an reconnected.
> Thanks again so far.
> Best Regards to All.

Good to hear of progress, Dave and thanks for your reports.  If you see 
something missing or wrong on my Web site, or something you feel might be 
better explained, just shout.

Good luck!


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