
I have buy an Tobit LAN!Time DCF-77 serial port receiver but this device
will not work with ntp as referenc clock.

I have found this site http://www.woody.ch/tobit_ntp.php and have the same

# Local Clock
server mode 16 prefer

The symlink have i set.

Wenn i start the ntpd the LED on the device beginns flashing. But the ntpd
does not receive any time data.

23 Dec 14:37:31 ntpd[19799]: NTP PARSE support: Copyright (c) 1989-2006, Frank 
23 Dec 14:37:31 ntpd[19799]: PARSE receiver #0: reference clock "RAW DCF77 CODE 
(DTR CLR/RTS SET)" (I/O device /dev/refclock-0, PPS device /dev/refclock-0) 
23 Dec 14:37:31 ntpd[19799]: PARSE receiver #0: Stratum 0, trust time 00:00:00, 
precision -20
23 Dec 14:37:31 ntpd[19799]: PARSE receiver #0: rootdelay 0.000000 s, phase 
adjustment 0.258000 s, PPS phase adjustment 0.000000 s, normal IO handling
23 Dec 14:37:31 ntpd[19799]: PARSE receiver #0: Format recognition: RAW DCF77 
23 Dec 14:37:31 ntpd[19799]: PARSE receiver #0: NO PPS support
23 Dec 14:37:31 ntpd[19799]: system event 'event_restart' (0x01) status 
'sync_alarm, sync_unspec, 1 event, event_unspec' (0xc010)
23 Dec 14:40:45 ntpd[19799]: clock GENERIC(0) event 'clk_noreply' (0x01)
23 Dec 14:40:45 ntpd[19799]: peer GENERIC(0) event 'event_peer_clock' (0x85) 
status 'unreach, conf, 1 event, event_peer_clock' (0x8015)
23 Dec 14:40:45 ntpd[19799]: PARSE receiver #0: interval for following error 
message class is at least 00:01:00
23 Dec 14:40:45 ntpd[19799]: PARSE receiver #0: no data from device within poll 
interval (check receiver / wiring)
23 Dec 14:41:51 ntpd[19799]: PARSE receiver #0: no data from device within poll 
interval (check receiver / wiring)
23 Dec 14:45:04 ntpd[19799]: PARSE receiver #0: no data from device within poll 
interval (check receiver / wiring)
23 Dec 14:47:14 ntpd[19799]: PARSE receiver #0: no data from device within poll 
interval (check receiver / wiring)
23 Dec 14:48:20 ntpd[19799]: PARSE receiver #0: no data from device within poll 
interval (check receiver / wiring)
23 Dec 14:50:29 ntpd[19799]: PARSE receiver #0: interval for following error 
message class is at least 01:00:00
23 Dec 14:50:29 ntpd[19799]: PARSE receiver #0: no data from device within poll 
interval (check receiver / wiring)

The Clock works correctly on windows with the programm DCF77_32.exe provided
on this site: http://www.rrs-web.net/in3her/dcf77_32.html

I use Debian Lenny and ntpd 4.2.4p4

I have test the clock with mode 14 and mode 5 but nothing works.

MfG Marc-Andre Alpers

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