Rob van der Putten wrote:
> Hi there
> Marc-Andre Alpers wrote:
>> I have no RS232 tester. The cover of the receiver is sealed. No screws.
>> The connector inside:
> That's female on the left and male on the right?
> That's male on the left and female on the right?
>> The transistor type is:
>> MC78L
>> 05ACP
>> M535
> That's a 78L05; A 100 mA +5 V stabilizer IC.
> The circuit appears to be as follows;
>     M       F
> DCD 1 ----- 1
> RXD 2 ----- 2
> TXD 3 ----- 3
> DTR 4 ----- 4
> GND 5 --+-- 5
>         |
>         |
>         +----------+-----> Red   GND
>                    |
>                  +-+-+
>         +--------+ S +---> Black +5V
>     F   |   M    +---+
> DSR 6   |        78L05
> RTS 7 --+-- 7
> CTS 8 --------------------> Orange
> RI  9 --------------------> Brown

I saw it as CTS on brown and RI on Orange

> The circuit 'expects' NTPD to raise RTS and read from CTS or RI.
> As far as I can tell NTPD does raize RTS but does not read from CTS or RI.

All refclocks docs I've checked, by no means all, expect serial
data on RxD.

Merry xmas to all


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