On 2010-03-10, Richard B. Gilbert <rgilber...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Chuck Swiger wrote:
>> On Mar 10, 2010, at 1:05 PM, John Hasler wrote:
>>>> I gather that crony is intended for machines with infrequent network
>>>> connections.
>>> That was one of the goals when it was first developed ten years ago.  It
>>> has gone far beyond that now.
>> OK.
>>>> I can't imagine trying to run it for a permanently networked stratum-1 
>>>> timesource.
>>> Why?
>> I've seen monitoring data from the NTP pool project for people using other 
>> NTP implementations, and they don't seem to be nearly as reliable 
>> timesources as the original ntpd implementation.  It's not just my opinion:

Uh, just because alternative X does not work well, does not mean that
alternative Y does not as well. Chrony works very well. I run it stably
for years. It does a much better job than does ntpd at disciplining the
clocks ( roughly a factor of 2 to 3 smaller offsets), which I suspect is
because of its far faster response to frequency changes caused eg by
temperature changes. 

>>   http://www.pool.ntp.org/en/join/configuration.html
>> "Use the standard ntpd
>> We are all for software diversity, but a significant percentage of the "it's 
>> not working" questions that come in are for software other than ntpd.  You 
>> can use the pool with any program speaking NTP, but if you are going to join 
>> the pool we recommend you use ntpd."

>> Can you give me a pointer to some IPs in the NTP pool using crony, so we can 
>> check their scores at http://www.pool.ntp.org/scores/IP ...?

?? How would we know, especially since David Mills says they can detect
implimentations like chrony and get them out of the pool.

>> Regards,
> I believe that the servers in the NTP pool are ALL using NTPD.  Chrony 
> is an entirely separate product unrelated to NTPD except for the fact 
> that it does something vaguely similar.

If by vaguely similar you mean it disciplines the local clocks on a
computer by exchanging ntp datagrams with ntp servers, and responds to
ntp queries with ntp datagrams, then yes, it does something vaguely
similar. Most would say that it does the same thing as ntpd does ( but
better), but like Humpty Dumpty, you are I guess allowed to define your
own terms in whatever way you want. 

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