David J Taylor wrote:
"Miroslav Lichvar" <mlich...@redhat.com> wrote in message news:20100311124036.ga22...@localhost...
I did a NTP vs chrony comparison last June with GPS 18x LVC in an
office environment, clock drift was moving in about 0.8ppm range. Here
are distributions of PPS samples received from gpsd:


With recent chrony, NTP and kernel versions the results might be
different though.

Miroslav Lichvar


Thanks for that, a most interesting comparison, and thanks to everyone for their input.

I've recently switched the old (2005) FreeBSD system back on, to see how well in performs in my own environment. From what's been said, I rather suspect that were I to go for a more modern, faster, Intel Atom system, any improvement in accuracy I might get could be swamped by the temperature changes in the room.

There's also, I will admit, a slight doubt about the effort involved for the benefit to be gained. With Windows, I am quite happy, and configuring, using or testing NTP is no problem. With FreeBSD is seems that the old PPS atom driver has gone, and I may need to configure yet another driver - gpsd. The number of variants of Linux doesn't help - I only need a command-line or Telnet interface. And remembering how long it took to recompile the kernel last time, and the amount of help I needed to know how to do that, also fills me with doubt.

So I suspect that the performance I'm now seeing from Windows (well within 100us) may well be "good enough" for me. Perhaps if I get more free time, and a little more income this year, I may get a paperback-sized Intel Atom box and see how it does. At least some do have serial ports! And I would be most interested to hear of anyone who does configure such a device.


100 microseconds is pretty good. Getting the time *into* a computer takes time and the time taken is not easy to measure.

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