It took a couple of days just to get FreeBSD V8.0 installed correctly in
the first place.  One false move (hair trigger enter key) and it's
"start over" time.  (OK, so there are probably ways to backtrack, but
like many things, it's just not documented.)

Agreed. I experimented using a VMware virtual machine under Windows to get a basic familiarity with the install process. There also appear to be inconsistencies with the use of the Space key, and the Enter key, so you suddenly get sent back to a previous menu. On the other hand, the automatic disk partitioning and configuration are most welcome. Installing over the network failed as my built-in network port wasn't recognised.

It does not appear dificult technicaly, and not that many steps to
complete, but it takes an age for the system to search for, download the
needed source modules, compile and build the needed app's etc.

Yes, that's real pain. Although NTP does come with the base system, both SNMP and SMART monitoring take ages to compile....

And as for that editor 'vim'  If you thought Notepad was bad......
Some documentation as to how to use that is sorely needed!  It's about
as counter intuitive as you can get, my opinion at least.  There has to
be an easier to use text file editor that can be used?

I used "vi" - just about adequate for editing configuration files. Beginner's guides:

Cheers.   I'd continue work on my FreeBSD box, I'm at the point of
attempting to enable PPS support in the kernel, but (a) I want to find
out how to make a recovery disk first, in case if it all goes greasy
side up, and (b) Domestic management, she says I have to go visiting
this evening.

Regards to all.

Dave B.

My recent notes are here:

and Craig Doyle covers recompiling the kernel for PPS support (give it an hour to run!) at:

in the paragraph:  Enable PPS support for FreeBSD

I understand that you build a copy of the kernel, and that the original kernel also remains available for booting, although I don't yet know how to switch between the two.

Thanks to Chuck for the backup and (kernel error) boot links.

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