Dave Baxter wrote:

I'll try the 'build world' (Exact syntax?) thing, but perhaps this is becoming less than practical, as the machine is a P3/700 with only 256MEG of Ram, and a 15Gig drive. (A Gateway E1400, one of these...

I was under the impression from prior comments that FreeBSD etc, was good for older lower power machines. But if you need turbo nutterbuster PC's to build it in the first place, just to enable PPS ????

When I built a linux kernel for first time (1993?) it took a
couple of days. That such a process completes successfully
was a real confidence booster. Fortunately since then the
performance of systems I've used for building has increased
faster than size of kernels/system and even buildworld isn't
a problem. What is annoying though is when a change to config
isn't picked up as an error by "configure" and expected 12hr
compile fails after 11hr+ and has to be repeated with some
logging to display the error.


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