Frans Grotepass wrote:
> Hi all,
> Sorry for abusing my membership to this forum for this question.
> We are busy with building an embedded application that must retrieve data 
> very 
> fast. The choice is to either have the data locally or go to a central 
> server(pool) that contains the data. 
> In evaluating the network option, I thought that the people here could 
> possibly help me with the expected network latency for a Gb network via a 
> switch. My gut feeling says that with increased load, the switch will bundle 
> the traffic to the different nodes more and this will result in higher 
> latency. 

If you are asking a non-NTP question then this really is the wrong
place. Our discussions of network latency are around the effects that it
has on NTP calculations and the error budget.

My only other comment is that local data is always faster (unless you
have really slow disk drives) so why are you asking in the first place?
It can't be just about the network latency.

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