NTP can deliver a time accuracy of 1nsec?? I my point of view, NTP includes methods to estimate the round-trip path delay between the server and client
but the performance is limited by SO stack latency, it is an Application
Layer protocol.

Marcelo, here's what /my/ NTP achieves:


The top three PCs (Pixie, Feenix and Stamsund) are each fed with a serial GPS/PPS signal from a Garmin GPS-18 LVC or GPS-18X LVC. Three different operating systems.

The bottom PCs are all Windows boxes of various versions, synced over a LAN including a cheapo Netgear GS608 1Gb/s switch, a WRT54GL Samknows performance measurement box, and a Netgear WNR2000v2 with wired and wireless connections.

I don't know whether any of those LAN-connected boxes would meet your "1ms" requirement (although if there were all running FreeBSD they would likely be significantly better than when running Windows).

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