
We need some order here, as what you report with a pre-existing frequency file is quite dubious. Consider the two runs here, both with an existing frequency file and starting at both plus and minus 90 ms offsets:

howland initial offset -91.7 ,s

55505 63959.804 -0.000001000 -7.250 0.000011310 0.003221 6
55505 64177.095 -0.091755534 -7.247 0.032440480 0.000000 4
55505 64181.093 -0.083409937 -7.247 0.030488404 0.000000 4
55505 64189.093 -0.064119966 -7.247 0.029323417 0.000000 4
55505 64207.094 -0.035152179 -7.247 0.029279200 0.000000 4
55505 64225.094 -0.019192498 -7.247 0.027963396 0.000000 4
55505 64245.095 -0.010407119 -7.247 0.026341136 0.000000 4
55505 64263.095 -0.005596762 -7.247 0.024698501 0.000000 4
55505 64281.095 -0.002971348 -7.247 0.023121971 0.000000 4
55505 64301.095 -0.001484549 -7.247 0.021635011 0.000000 4
55505 64319.095 -0.000680614 -7.247 0.020239695 0.000000 4
55505 64393.095 -0.000420000 -8.676 0.018932726 0.505275 4
55505 64535.096 0.000130000 -8.394 0.017711010 0.483019 4
55505 64567.095 0.000178000 -8.308 0.016567141 0.452867 4
55505 64695.095 0.000156000 -8.003 0.015497143 0.437100 4
55505 64711.095 0.000131000 -7.971 0.014496253 0.409026 4
55505 64743.095 0.000089000 -7.927 0.013560011 0.382917 4
55505 64871.095 0.000081000 -7.769 0.012684229 0.362527 4
55505 64887.095 0.000108000 -7.743 0.011865014 0.339241 5
55505 65065.095 0.000065000 -7.699 0.011098715 0.317714 5
55505 65325.095 0.000085000 -7.614 0.010381899 0.298685 5
55505 65421.095 0.000131000 -7.566 0.009711391 0.279909 5
55505 65616.095 0.000088000 -7.501 0.009084187 0.262852 5

howland initial offset 93/7

55505 66464.549 0.093707184 -7.247 0.033130493 0.000000 4
55505 66468.551 0.085202918 -7.247 0.031136252 0.000000 4
55505 66476.551 0.065630650 -7.247 0.029936050 0.000000 4
55505 66494.550 0.036251561 -7.247 0.029866998 0.000000 4
55505 66512.549 0.020055273 -7.247 0.028518816 0.000000 4
55505 66532.549 0.011178952 -7.247 0.026860866 0.000000 4
55505 66550.549 0.006275409 -7.247 0.025185779 0.000000 4
55505 66568.549 0.003628803 -7.247 0.023577714 0.000000 4
55505 66588.549 0.002073854 -7.247 0.022061783 0.000000 4
55505 66606.548 0.001265987 -7.247 0.020638884 0.000000 4
55505 66624.549 0.000840837 -7.247 0.019306494 0.000000 4
55505 66662.549 0.000598000 -5.376 0.018059775 0.661350 4
55505 66736.549 0.000049000 -5.321 0.016894488 0.618946 4
55505 66870.549 -0.000102000 -5.530 0.015803437 0.583647 4
55505 66886.549 -0.000258000 -5.593 0.014782864 0.546406 4
55505 67014.549 -0.000187000 -5.958 0.013828126 0.527176 4
55505 67110.548 -0.000212000 -6.268 0.012935031 0.505203 4
55505 67126.549 -0.000198000 -6.317 0.012099614 0.472883 4
55505 67254.548 -0.000151000 -6.612 0.011318165 0.454465 5
55505 67270.549 -0.000090000 -6.617 0.010587196 0.425117 5
55505 67336.549 -0.000115000 -6.646 0.009903419 0.397792 5

In both cases, the zeros in the wander column confirm that the frequency is not adjusted until either the offset falls below 0.5 ms or the 5-minute threshold runs out and the residual offset tickles the frequency. Considering this, it seems a stretch that the frequency is kicked leading to a massive frequency error. If your tests confirm this, please advise.

Now to the apparent initial frequency error. This is new, as tests in the past have not confirmed that. I need to plant some debug code in direct-freq().


Dave Hart wrote:

I have reproduced the problems Miroslav reports with the new startup
behavior on FreeBSD, indicating the problem is not isolated to Linux.
My guess is Solaris is the outlier here, because its adjtime() doesn't
enforce a 500 PPM cap.  The system I'm using is psp-fb2, a FreeBSD 6.4
x86 machine with the latest ntp-dev snapshot which is known to
normally keep time well.

I ran several tests, but I think the last is the most interesting.  I
stopped ntpd and removed its drift file (containing 80.530), then
slewed the time backward 100 msec using adjtime() and patience.  After
restarting it takes a few minutes for its three manycast sources to be
found and sys.peer to be declared.  Five minutes later, the frequency
is mis-estimated at 236 PPM, about 155 PPM too much.  As a result, the
system sets up for quite a long settling period with many steps.
Below are the logs and some billboard snapshots.  Please ignore the
refclock, it is marked noselect.

If your FreeBSD test machine has a negative ntp.drift, you might see
worse behavior with a positive initial offset.  I am repeating the
test with the correct drift file in place now.

Dave Hart


55505 59851.663 0.102341957 0.000 0.036183346 0.000000 6
55505 60190.664 0.080163684 236.465 0.032321622 0.000000 6
55505 60257.664 0.053082763 236.465 0.031713930 0.000000 6
55505 60325.664 0.009274475 236.465 0.033465616 0.000000 6
55505 60393.664 -0.029456239 236.465 0.034168151 0.000000 6
55505 60458.664 -0.041054653 236.465 0.032223363 0.000000 6
55505 60459.664 -0.041380233 236.465 0.030142416 0.000000 6
55505 60662.664 -0.006418134 236.076 0.030786168 0.137559 6
55505 60943.120 -0.066341200 234.964 0.035751383 0.413381 6
55505 61215.145 -0.076412713 233.726 0.033631393 0.584265 6
55505 61334.664 -0.090128710 233.086 0.031830847 0.591422 6
55505 61669.516 0.000000000 233.086 0.000001907 0.553225 6
55505 61748.516 -0.027231614 232.958 0.009627829 0.519476 6
55505 61883.516 -0.038290456 232.650 0.009818119 0.497985 6
55505 62351.516 -0.066567566 230.793 0.013575544 0.804986 6
55505 62555.516 -0.099115749 229.588 0.017137138 0.865194 6
55505 63161.378 0.000000000 229.588 0.000001907 0.809315 6
55505 63244.058 -0.033000775 229.425 0.011667536 0.759242 6
55505 63358.379 -0.044957700 229.119 0.011704101 0.718371 6


5 Nov 16:27:36 ntpd[57402]: ntpd exiting on signal 15
5 Nov 16:34:05 ntpd[58309]: Listen normally on 10 multicast ff05::101 UDP 123
5 Nov 16:34:05 ntpd[58309]: Added Multicast Listener ff05::101 on
interface #10 multicast
5 Nov 16:34:05 ntpd[58309]: NTP PARSE support: Copyright (c)
1989-2009, Frank Kardel
5 Nov 16:34:05 ntpd[58309]: PARSE receiver #0: initializing PPS to ASSERT
5 Nov 16:34:05 ntpd[58309]: PARSE receiver #0: reference clock
"Meinberg GPS16x receiver" (I/O device /dev/refclock-0, PPS device
/dev/refclock-0) added
5 Nov 16:34:05 ntpd[58309]: PARSE receiver #0: Stratum 0, trust time
4d+00:00:00, precision -19
5 Nov 16:34:05 ntpd[58309]: PARSE receiver #0: rootdelay 0.000000 s,
phase adjustment 0.001968 s, PPS phase adjustment 0.000000 s, normal
IO handling
5 Nov 16:34:05 ntpd[58309]: PARSE receiver #0: Format recognition:
Meinberg GPS Extended
5 Nov 16:34:05 ntpd[58309]: PARSE receiver #0: PPS support
(implementation PPS API)
5 Nov 16:34:05 ntpd[58309]: GENERIC(0) 8011 81 mobilize assoc 62401
5 Nov 16:34:05 ntpd[58309]: refclock_newpeer: clock type 43 invalid
5 Nov 16:34:05 ntpd[58309]: interface -> <null>
5 Nov 16:34:05 ntpd[58309]: c811 81 mobilize assoc 62403
5 Nov 16:34:05 ntpd[58309]: ff05::101 c811 81 mobilize assoc 62404
5 Nov 16:34:05 ntpd[58309]: c016 06 restart
5 Nov 16:34:05 ntpd[58309]: c012 02 freq_set kernel 0.000 PPM
5 Nov 16:34:05 ntpd[58309]: c011 01 freq_not_set
5 Nov 16:34:05 ntpd[58309]: PARSE receiver #0: packet format
"Meinberg GPS Extended"
5 Nov 16:34:05 ntpd[58309]: PARSE receiver #0: STATE CHANGE:  -> UTC
5 Nov 16:34:05 ntpd[58309]: GENERIC(0) 8024 84 reachable
5 Nov 16:34:09 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::29 4011 81 mobilize assoc 62405
5 Nov 16:34:09 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::27 4011 81 mobilize assoc 62406
5 Nov 16:34:09 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::21 4011 81 mobilize assoc 62407
5 Nov 16:35:14 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::27 6024 84 reachable
5 Nov 16:35:14 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::29 6024 84 reachable
5 Nov 16:35:14 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::21 6024 84 reachable
5 Nov 16:37:31 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::27 763a 8a sys_peer
5 Nov 16:37:31 ntpd[58309]: c614 04 freq_mode
5 Nov 16:40:51 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::29 763a 8a sys_peer
5 Nov 16:40:56 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::27 761a 8a sys_peer
5 Nov 16:43:10 ntpd[58309]: 0612 02 freq_set kernel 236.465 PPM
5 Nov 16:43:10 ntpd[58309]: 0615 05 clock_sync
5 Nov 16:47:38 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::29 761a 8a sys_peer
5 Nov 16:47:39 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::27 761a 8a sys_peer
5 Nov 16:51:02 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::29 761a 8a sys_peer
5 Nov 16:55:43 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::27 761a 8a sys_peer
5 Nov 17:00:15 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::29 761a 8a sys_peer
5 Nov 17:02:14 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::27 761a 8a sys_peer
5 Nov 17:05:51 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::29 761a 8a sys_peer
5 Nov 17:05:51 ntpd[58309]: 0613 03 spike_detect -0.134925 s
5 Nov 17:07:49 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::27 761a 8a sys_peer
5 Nov 17:07:49 ntpd[58309]: 061c 0c clock_step -0.147872 s
5 Nov 17:07:49 ntpd[58309]: 0615 05 clock_sync
5 Nov 17:07:50 ntpd[58309]: GENERIC(0) 8014 84 reachable
5 Nov 17:07:50 ntpd[58309]: c618 08 no_sys_peer
5 Nov 17:07:52 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::29 6024 84 reachable
5 Nov 17:07:53 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::21 6014 84 reachable
5 Nov 17:08:59 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::27 6024 84 reachable
5 Nov 17:09:08 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::29 763a 8a sys_peer
5 Nov 17:19:11 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::27 763a 8a sys_peer
5 Nov 17:30:29 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::29 761a 8a sys_peer
5 Nov 17:30:29 ntpd[58309]: 0613 03 spike_detect -0.132284 s
5 Nov 17:32:41 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::27 761a 8a sys_peer
5 Nov 17:32:41 ntpd[58309]: 061c 0c clock_step -0.138054 s
5 Nov 17:32:41 ntpd[58309]: 0615 05 clock_sync
5 Nov 17:32:42 ntpd[58309]: GENERIC(0) 8014 84 reachable
5 Nov 17:32:42 ntpd[58309]: c618 08 no_sys_peer
5 Nov 17:32:46 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::29 6024 84 reachable
5 Nov 17:32:47 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::27 6024 84 reachable
5 Nov 17:32:47 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::21 6014 84 reachable
5 Nov 17:34:04 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::21 762a 8a sys_peer
5 Nov 17:35:58 ntpd[58309]: 2001:4f8:fff7:1::27 763a 8a sys_peer
5 Nov 17:35:59 ntpd[58309]: ntpd exiting on signal 15

Slewed -0.1 seconds
Starting ntpd.
h...@psp-fb2> ntpq -crv -p

associd=0 status=c011 leap_alarm, sync_unspec, 1 event, freq_not_set,
version="ntpd 4.2.7...@1.2252-o Fri Nov  5 13:35:21 UTC 2010 (1)",
processor="i386", system="FreeBSD/6.4-STABLE", leap=11, stratum=16,
precision=-19, rootdelay=0.000, rootdisp=0.120, refid=INIT,
reftime=00000000.00000000  Thu, Feb  7 2036  6:28:16.000,
clock=d07eb086.9a67600b  Fri, Nov  5 2010 16:34:14.603, peer=0, tc=3,
mintc=3, offset=0.000, frequency=0.000, sys_jitter=0.000,
clk_jitter=0.002, clk_wander=0.000, host="psp-fb2.ntp.org",
flags=0x80001, digest="md5", signature="md5WithRSAEncryption",
cert="psp-fb2 psp-fb2 0x0", until=201009061950
    remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
GENERIC(0)      .GPS.            0 l    6   16    3    0.000   68.458   0.006   .BCST.          16 B    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
ff05::101       .ACST.          16 a    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
h...@psp-fb2> ntpq -crv -p

associd=0 status=c011 leap_alarm, sync_unspec, 1 event, freq_not_set,
version="ntpd 4.2.7...@1.2252-o Fri Nov  5 13:35:21 UTC 2010 (1)",
processor="i386", system="FreeBSD/6.4-STABLE", leap=11, stratum=16,
precision=-19, rootdelay=0.000, rootdisp=0.450, refid=INIT,
reftime=00000000.00000000  Thu, Feb  7 2036  6:28:16.000,
clock=d07eb09b.dc19ec10  Fri, Nov  5 2010 16:34:35.859, peer=0, tc=3,
mintc=3, offset=0.000, frequency=0.000, sys_jitter=0.000,
clk_jitter=0.002, clk_wander=0.000, host="psp-fb2.ntp.org",
flags=0x80001, digest="md5", signature="md5WithRSAEncryption",
cert="psp-fb2 psp-fb2 0x0", until=201009061950
    remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
GENERIC(0)      .GPS.            0 l   13   16    7    0.000   69.319   0.858   .BCST.          16 B    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
ff05::101       .ACST.          16 a    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
h...@psp-fb2> ntpq -crv -p

associd=0 status=c011 leap_alarm, sync_unspec, 1 event, freq_not_set,
version="ntpd 4.2.7...@1.2252-o Fri Nov  5 13:35:21 UTC 2010 (1)",
processor="i386", system="FreeBSD/6.4-STABLE", leap=11, stratum=16,
precision=-19, rootdelay=0.000, rootdisp=1.080, refid=INIT,
reftime=00000000.00000000  Thu, Feb  7 2036  6:28:16.000,
clock=d07eb0c6.3a5a6b6b  Fri, Nov  5 2010 16:35:18.227, peer=0, tc=3,
mintc=3, offset=0.000, frequency=0.000, sys_jitter=0.000,
clk_jitter=0.002, clk_wander=0.000, host="psp-fb2.ntp.org",
flags=0x80001, digest="md5", signature="md5WithRSAEncryption",
cert="psp-fb2 psp-fb2 0x0", until=201009061950
    remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
GENERIC(0)      .GPS.            0 l    8   16   77    0.000   71.615   2.577   .BCST.          16 B    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
ff05::101       .ACST.          16 a    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
psp-deb1.ntp.or     3 u    4   64    1    0.209   89.250   0.002
psp-fb1.ntp.org      2 u    2   64    1    0.323   91.405   0.200
psp1.ntp.org    3 u    2   64    1    0.485   85.442   0.151
h...@psp-fb2> ntpq -crv -p

associd=0 status=c011 leap_alarm, sync_unspec, 1 event, freq_not_set,
version="ntpd 4.2.7...@1.2252-o Fri Nov  5 13:35:21 UTC 2010 (1)",
processor="i386", system="FreeBSD/6.4-STABLE", leap=11, stratum=16,
precision=-19, rootdelay=0.000, rootdisp=1.410, refid=INIT,
reftime=00000000.00000000  Thu, Feb  7 2036  6:28:16.000,
clock=d07eb0db.bea3b12d  Fri, Nov  5 2010 16:35:39.744, peer=0, tc=3,
mintc=3, offset=0.000, frequency=0.000, sys_jitter=0.000,
clk_jitter=0.002, clk_wander=0.000, host="psp-fb2.ntp.org",
flags=0x80001, digest="md5", signature="md5WithRSAEncryption",
cert="psp-fb2 psp-fb2 0x0", until=201009061950
    remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
GENERIC(0)      .GPS.            0 l   13   16  177    0.000   71.409   2.121   .BCST.          16 B    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
ff05::101       .ACST.          16 a    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
psp-deb1.ntp.or     3 u   25   64    1    0.209   89.250   0.002
psp-fb1.ntp.org      2 u   23   64    1    0.323   91.405   0.200
psp1.ntp.org    3 u   23   64    1    0.485   85.442   0.151
h...@psp-fb2> ntpq -crv -p

associd=0 status=c011 leap_alarm, sync_unspec, 1 event, freq_not_set,
version="ntpd 4.2.7...@1.2252-o Fri Nov  5 13:35:21 UTC 2010 (1)",
processor="i386", system="FreeBSD/6.4-STABLE", leap=11, stratum=16,
precision=-19, rootdelay=0.000, rootdisp=2.070, refid=INIT,
reftime=00000000.00000000  Thu, Feb  7 2036  6:28:16.000,
clock=d07eb107.bfb22e76  Fri, Nov  5 2010 16:36:23.748, peer=0, tc=3,
mintc=3, offset=0.000, frequency=0.000, sys_jitter=0.000,
clk_jitter=0.002, clk_wander=0.000, host="psp-fb2.ntp.org",
flags=0x80001, digest="md5", signature="md5WithRSAEncryption",
cert="psp-fb2 psp-fb2 0x0", until=201009061950
    remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
GENERIC(0)      .GPS.            0 l    9   16  377    0.000   75.381   3.924   .BCST.          16 B    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
ff05::101       .ACST.          16 a    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
psp-deb1.ntp.or     3 u    3   64    3    0.198   94.555   5.305
psp-fb1.ntp.org      2 u    3   64    1    0.323   91.405   0.200
psp1.ntp.org    3 u   67   64    2    0.485   85.442   0.151
h...@psp-fb2> ntpq -crv -p

associd=0 status=0614 leap_none, sync_ntp, 1 event, freq_mode,
version="ntpd 4.2.7...@1.2252-o Fri Nov  5 13:35:21 UTC 2010 (1)",
processor="i386", system="FreeBSD/6.4-STABLE", leap=00, stratum=3,
precision=-19, rootdelay=1.041, rootdisp=1062.285, refid=,
reftime=d07eb14b.a9c0b4b0  Fri, Nov  5 2010 16:37:31.663,
clock=d07eb164.b28498f0  Fri, Nov  5 2010 16:37:56.697, peer=62406, tc=6,
mintc=3, offset=102.342, frequency=0.000, sys_jitter=9.546,
clk_jitter=36.183, clk_wander=0.000, host="psp-fb2.ntp.org",
flags=0x80001, digest="md5", signature="md5WithRSAEncryption",
update=201011051637, cert="psp-fb2 psp-fb2 0x0", until=201009061950
    remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
GENERIC(0)      .GPS.            0 l    6   16  377    0.000   82.051   3.738   .BCST.          16 B    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
ff05::101       .ACST.          16 a    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
psp-deb1.ntp.or     3 u   28   64    7    0.243  100.014   8.534
*psp-fb1.ntp.org      2 u   25   64    7    0.385  102.342   9.546
psp1.ntp.org    3 u  160   64    4    0.485   85.442   0.151
h...@psp-fb2> ntpq -crv -p

associd=0 status=0615 leap_none, sync_ntp, 1 event, clock_sync,
version="ntpd 4.2.7...@1.2252-o Fri Nov  5 13:35:21 UTC 2010 (1)",
processor="i386", system="FreeBSD/6.4-STABLE", leap=00, stratum=3,
precision=-19, rootdelay=1.420, rootdisp=103.842, refid=,
reftime=d07eb29e.a9e351d4  Fri, Nov  5 2010 16:43:10.663,
clock=d07eb2bd.23cc96d4  Fri, Nov  5 2010 16:43:41.139, peer=62406, tc=6,
mintc=3, offset=80.164, frequency=236.465, sys_jitter=12.422,
clk_jitter=32.322, clk_wander=0.000, host="psp-fb2.ntp.org",
flags=0x80001, digest="md5", signature="md5WithRSAEncryption",
update=201011051637, cert="psp-fb2 psp-fb2 0x0", until=201009061950
    remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
GENERIC(0)      .GPS.            0 l   15   16  377    0.000   63.890   2.868   .BCST.          16 B    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
ff05::101       .ACST.          16 a    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
+psp-deb1.ntp.or     3 u   36   64  377    0.345   81.991  11.714
*psp-fb1.ntp.org  2 u   31   64  377    0.306   84.493  11.843
+psp1.ntp.org    3 u   31   64  237    0.496   78.337   9.533
h...@psp-fb2> Script started on Fri Nov  5 16:53:42 2010
]2;psp-fb2:~/adjtime_rate  ]1;h...@psp-fb2 h...@psp-fb2> ntpq -crv -p

associd=0 status=0615 leap_none, sync_ntp, 1 event, clock_sync,
version="ntpd 4.2.7...@1.2252-o Fri Nov  5 13:35:21 UTC 2010 (1)",
processor="i386", system="FreeBSD/6.4-STABLE", leap=00, stratum=4,
precision=-19, rootdelay=1.607, rootdisp=128.650, refid=,
reftime=d07eb476.a9fbccd5  Fri, Nov  5 2010 16:51:02.663,
clock=d07eb51e.975640b1  Fri, Nov  5 2010 16:53:50.591, peer=62405, tc=6,
mintc=3, offset=-6.418, frequency=236.076, sys_jitter=28.543,
clk_jitter=30.786, clk_wander=0.138, host="psp-fb2.ntp.org",
flags=0x80001, digest="md5", signature="md5WithRSAEncryption",
update=201011051637, cert="psp-fb2 psp-fb2 0x0", until=201009061950
    remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
GENERIC(0)      .GPS.            0 l   15   16  377    0.000  -96.947  11.791   .BCST.          16 B    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
ff05::101       .ACST.          16 a    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
*psp-deb1.ntp.or     3 u    6   64  377    0.218  -58.622  26.422
+psp-fb1.ntp.org    2 u    6   64  377    0.280  -76.583  40.485
+psp1.ntp.org    3 u    6   64  377    0.405  -63.732  25.616
h...@psp-fb2> ntpq -crv -p

associd=0 status=0615 leap_none, sync_ntp, 1 event, clock_sync,
version="ntpd 4.2.7...@1.2252-o Fri Nov  5 13:35:21 UTC 2010 (1)",
processor="i386", system="FreeBSD/6.4-STABLE", leap=00, stratum=3,
precision=-19, rootdelay=0.974, rootdisp=144.729, refid=,
reftime=d07eb716.a9fca2b7  Fri, Nov  5 2010 17:02:14.664,
clock=d07eb7bf.180e900d  Fri, Nov  5 2010 17:05:03.093, peer=62406, tc=6,
mintc=3, offset=-90.129, frequency=233.086, sys_jitter=28.119,
clk_jitter=31.831, clk_wander=0.591, host="psp-fb2.ntp.org",
flags=0x80001, digest="md5", signature="md5WithRSAEncryption",
update=201011051637, cert="psp-fb2 psp-fb2 0x0", until=201009061950
    remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
GENERIC(0)      .GPS.            0 l   16   16  376    0.000  -162.85   5.144   .BCST.          16 B    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
ff05::101       .ACST.          16 a    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
+psp-deb1.ntp.or     3 u   36   64  377    0.281  -146.54  25.197
*psp-fb1.ntp.org     2 u   23   64  377    0.303  -116.83  17.159
+psp1.ntp.org    3 u   29   64   77    0.374  -141.57  24.791
h...@psp-fb2> ntpq -crv -p

associd=0 status=0618 leap_none, sync_ntp, 1 event, no_sys_peer,
version="ntpd 4.2.7...@1.2252-o Fri Nov  5 13:35:21 UTC 2010 (1)",
processor="i386", system="FreeBSD/6.4-STABLE", leap=00, stratum=4,
precision=-19, rootdelay=1.614, rootdisp=272.798, refid=,
reftime=d07eb93b.840eb083  Fri, Nov  5 2010 17:11:23.515,
clock=d07eba20.7023251c  Fri, Nov  5 2010 17:15:12.438, peer=62405, tc=6,
mintc=3, offset=-38.290, frequency=232.650, sys_jitter=25.983,
clk_jitter=9.818, clk_wander=0.498, host="psp-fb2.ntp.org",
flags=0x80001, digest="md5", signature="md5WithRSAEncryption",
update=201011051709, cert="psp-fb2 psp-fb2 0x0", until=201009061950
    remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
GENERIC(0)      .GPS.            0 l    8   16  377    0.000  -84.851   8.491   .BCST.          16 B    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
ff05::101       .ACST.          16 a    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
*psp-deb1.ntp.or     3 u   26   64  177    0.210  -44.395  20.252
+psp-fb1.ntp.org    2 u   31   64   37    0.295  -23.836  25.628
+psp1.ntp.org    3 u   26   64  117    0.381  -64.143  32.241
h...@psp-fb2> Script started on Fri Nov  5 17:26:10 2010
]2;psp-fb2:~/adjtime_rate  ]1;h...@psp-fb2 h...@psp-fb2> ntpq -crv -p

associd=0 status=0618 leap_none, sync_ntp, 1 event, no_sys_peer,
version="ntpd 4.2.7...@1.2252-o Fri Nov  5 13:35:21 UTC 2010 (1)",
processor="i386", system="FreeBSD/6.4-STABLE", leap=00, stratum=3,
precision=-19, rootdelay=1.425, rootdisp=162.859, refid=,
reftime=d07ebbdb.841d566a  Fri, Nov  5 2010 17:22:35.516,
clock=d07ebcb9.37367c14  Fri, Nov  5 2010 17:26:17.215, peer=62406, tc=6,
mintc=3, offset=-99.116, frequency=229.588, sys_jitter=18.246,
clk_jitter=17.137, clk_wander=0.865, host="psp-fb2.ntp.org",
flags=0x80001, digest="md5", signature="md5WithRSAEncryption",
update=201011051709, cert="psp-fb2 psp-fb2 0x0", until=201009061950
    remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
GENERIC(0)      .GPS.            0 l    1   16  377    0.000  -149.34   5.396   .BCST.          16 B    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
ff05::101       .ACST.          16 a    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
+psp-deb1.ntp.or     3 u   18   64  177    0.219  -113.51  15.722
*psp-fb1.ntp.org  2 u   19   64  377    0.296  -118.20  14.753
+psp1.ntp.org    3 u   14   64  377    0.455  -136.50  23.187
h...@psp-fb2> ntpq -crv -p

associd=0 status=0613 leap_none, sync_ntp, 1 event, spike_detect,
version="ntpd 4.2.7...@1.2252-o Fri Nov  5 13:35:21 UTC 2010 (1)",
processor="i386", system="FreeBSD/6.4-STABLE", leap=00, stratum=4,
precision=-19, rootdelay=1.518, rootdisp=164.875, refid=,
reftime=d07ebdb5.83fb5eac  Fri, Nov  5 2010 17:30:29.515,
clock=d07ebddc.18c0824b  Fri, Nov  5 2010 17:31:08.096, peer=62405, tc=6,
mintc=3, offset=-99.116, frequency=229.588, sys_jitter=16.938,
clk_jitter=17.137, clk_wander=0.865, host="psp-fb2.ntp.org",
flags=0x80001, digest="md5", signature="md5WithRSAEncryption",
update=201011051709, cert="psp-fb2 psp-fb2 0x0", until=201009061950
    remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
GENERIC(0)      .GPS.            0 l    4   16  377    0.000  -171.64   5.588   .BCST.          16 B    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
ff05::101       .ACST.          16 a    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
*psp-deb1.ntp.or     3 u   16   64  377    0.282  -132.57  12.448
+psp-fb1.ntp.org  2 u   16   64  377    0.296  -118.20  20.402
+psp1.ntp.org    3 u   16   64  377    0.366  -146.41  13.836
h...@psp-fb2> ntpq -crv -p -c "rv &5"

associd=0 status=c018 leap_alarm, sync_unspec, 1 event, no_sys_peer,
version="ntpd 4.2.7...@1.2252-o Fri Nov  5 13:35:21 UTC 2010 (1)",
processor="i386", system="FreeBSD/6.4-STABLE", leap=11, stratum=16,
precision=-19, rootdelay=0.000, rootdisp=1.065, refid=STEP,
reftime=00000000.00000000  Thu, Feb  7 2036  6:28:16.000,
clock=d07ebe80.907745f3  Fri, Nov  5 2010 17:33:52.564, peer=0, tc=6,
mintc=3, offset=0.000, frequency=229.588, sys_jitter=0.002,
clk_jitter=0.002, clk_wander=0.809, host="psp-fb2.ntp.org",
flags=0x80001, digest="md5", signature="md5WithRSAEncryption",
update=201011051709, cert="psp-fb2 psp-fb2 0x0", until=201009061950
    remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
GENERIC(0)      .GPS.            0 l    4   16   77    0.000  -53.373  23.782   .BCST.          16 B    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
ff05::101       .ACST.          16 a    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.002
psp-deb1.ntp.or     3 u   66   64    1    0.280  -28.573   0.002
psp-fb1.ntp.org  2 u   49   64    1    0.313  -26.974   0.782
psp1.ntp.org    3 u   49   64    1    0.349  -33.001   0.626
associd=62406 status=7024 authenb, auth, reach, sel_reject, 2 events, reachable,
srcadr=psp-fb1.ntp.org, srcport=123, dstadr=2001:4f8:fff7:1::28,
dstport=123, leap=00, stratum=2, precision=-20, rootdelay=1.053,
rootdisp=10.468, refid=,
reftime=d07ebc50.0a84a689  Fri, Nov  5 2010 17:24:32.041,
rec=d07ebe4f.60a19824  Fri, Nov  5 2010 17:33:03.377, reach=001,
unreach=1, hmode=3, pmode=4, hpoll=6, ppoll=6, headway=450,
flash=402 pkt_bogus, peer_dist, keyid=123, offset=-26.974, delay=0.313,
dispersion=3937.540, jitter=0.782, xleave=0.029,
filtdelay=     0.37    0.31    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00,
filtoffset=  -27.76  -26.97    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00,
filtdisp=      0.00    0.08 16000.0 16000.0 16000.0 16000.0 16000.0 16000.0

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