On Nov 10, 9:36 pm, Steve Kostecke <koste...@ntp.org> wrote:
> On 2010-11-10, Harry <simonsha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 1. What, then, would be the next best way (MD5-based symmetric key
> > mode?) to syncing up a behind-NAT NTP client from an external NTP
> > server in a tamper-proof manner? I'm not competent/powerful enough to
> > advise the powers what be in my organization to have an Autokey NTP
> > client outside our NAT/Firewall; most likely, I'll be told to continue
> > to operate from behind the NAT/Firewall.
> Which associations are you attempting to "secure"? LAN client to LAN
> server? LAN server to remote time server?

"LAN server to remote time server."
So, this LAN host will be a client of the remote time server but will
act as a local time server to other hosts on the LAN.

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