David Woolley wrote:
unruh wrote:
On 2010-12-11, Jan Ceuleers <janspam.ceule...@skynet.be> wrote:
Piece of feedback below.

There's no way I'm going to read all that. If you have a question for
us, please can you put it a little more succinctly? Thanks.

Actually, I /did/ write my question succinctly at the end of my post.

To summarize as I understand it-- how do you keep the RTC
synced to the "true time" under Windows? (System running ntp so assume
that the system time is the "true time").

He wants the RTC to contain UTC, even though Windows isn't in the GMT
timezone with DST disabled. Windows normally stores the system wall
clock time.

My RTC already runs in UTC, but my RTC is approximately 2 minutes behind because I have no way of writing the Windows NT system time to the hardware clock (RTC) after using an NTP client to synchronise the Windows NT system time. On Ubuntu, I use ntpdate-debian + hwclock, but I cannot find a real hwclock for Windows NT, only malware which uses the name hwclock.exe as a disguise. I need an hwclock.exe application for Windows NT so I can run “hwclock --utc --systohc” like on Ubuntu. I am asking in this group because I thought someone may know of an NTP client for Windows NT with this functionality, now that Microsoft has finally fully fixed support for RealTimeIsUniversal=1 beginning in Windows Vista SP2 + Windows 7.

My original post (and this reply too) make perfect sense to me, but I suspect my readers did not have all of the required background knowledge.

If you are not already familiar with Windows NT’s RealTimeIsUniversal registry key, please read <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/mswish/ut-rtc.html>.

If you are not already familiar with the hwclock command from the util-linux(-ng) package, please read <http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man8/hwclock.8.html>.

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