unruh wrote:
> a more complete set of instructions that can be sent under
>  the MTK protocol is in
> <gpsd.googlecode.com/files/MTK_NMEA_Packet_0.71_Sanav.pdf>

There is slightly newer one here:

LeadTek, (I have used several thousand of their chips)
 appears to also have a newer one:

> the Sure chip does seem to respond to a number of those commands.


I would have thought the SKG16B datasheet or manual would
 have told you all you need to know about supported commands.

 However the most recent datasheets for the SKG16B,
  at first glance seems like they might be a bit lacking
  in full protocol information;  Skylab didn't seem to
  have a separate protocol doc either, (to cover their
  proprietary "custom protocol" commands).


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