In article <>,
 unruh <> wrote:

> On 2011-04-29, Cristian Seres <> wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > How would you implement an NTP server which would need to offer a time 
> > set deliberately in past/future, say 365*86400 seconds, or even better - 
> > first set the freely chosen date on NTP server and then keep the hours, 
> > minutes and seconds in sync with the real time?
> >
> Perhaps you could tell us why in the world you would want to do that?

It's very common, actually.  For instance, in Air Traffic Control they 
record everything, and later play prior events back, to figure out what 

Alternately, very large and complex training scenarios are written, the 
scenario happening at some time different from the present, perhaps 
past, perhaps future.

Joe Gwinn

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