On 2011-09-07, Miguel Gonçalves <m...@miguelgoncalves.com> wrote:

> The performance is quite impressive:
> oncore# uptime; ntpq -p; ntpdc -c kerninfo
> 12:02AM  up  2:07, 1 user, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
>  remote           refid   st t when poll reach   delay   offset jitter
> oGPS_ONCORE(0)   .GPS.     0 l    7   16  377    0.000   -0.001  0.001
>  canon.inria.fr  .GPSi.    1 u   34   64  377   49.054    0.621  0.383
>  ptbtime1.ptb.de .PTB.     1 u   36   64  377   66.475    0.864  0.316
>  ntp.ien.it      .CTD.     1 u    6   64  377   52.064    0.452  0.263
>  ntp02.oal.ul.pt 194.1...  2 u   27   64  377    9.486    0.565  0.453
>  ntp04.oal.ul.pt 194.1...  2 u   34   64  377   10.109   -0.831  0.235
>  Router7.Lisboa. 193.1...  2 u   27   64  377    8.181    0.508  0.258
>  Router15.Porto. 193.1...  2 u   13   64  377   12.538    0.528  0.129

Nice snapshot. Can you use peer.awk to summarize a week of peerstats

Steve Kostecke <koste...@ntp.org>
NTP Public Services Project - http://support.ntp.org/

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