"unruh" <un...@invalid.ca> wrote in message news:OLMJq.5774$sg3.2...@newsfe11.iad...
ntpd does NOT take a long term veiw. The decision made in designing it
wasw that it would be a short term Markovian feedback loop. It does not
have any memory If the offset is positive speed up the clock, if
negative, slow it down.

If you want a program with a different design philosophy, get chrony. It
remembers up to 64 of the last measurements and uses them to determine
what the best estmate is of the actual offset and rate error in the
local clock is. (It uses linear regression, corrects past measurements
for current offset and rate changes, and tests to make sure that a
linear fit is a good estimate, decreasing the number of remembered items if it is

I would be interested to try a Windows port of chrony, if it can be managed at least to the extent of obtaining the offset with an SNMP call, or a simple program. My present monitoring uses a Perl script to parse the output of an "ntpq -c rv" request.

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