Teh standard is the Gamin GPS 18x (make sure to get a newer unit or you
will have to upload a patch to it to fix the problem that it sometimes
sends teh nmea sentences too late). The Sure I am getting worried
about-- I thin kthe antenna they send with it is defective sometimes.


Yours is the only Sure I have heard about with (perhaps) an antenna problem. Whilst bearing in mind that this is a consumer-level antenna, have you asked for a replacement if your unit is less than a year old?

As you say, for some considerable time Garmin was sending out GPS 18x LVC units with faulty firmware. Version 3.70 is OK, though.

Whilst the Oncore UT+ which Chris mentions may have better ultimate performance, I don't think you will see the difference in an NTP application on the great majority of PCs. It doesn't come with an antenna, tracks only 8 channels (at least that's one I found on eBay), and also requires a connection lead to be assembled. Looks nice, though!

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