On 3/26/2012 5:00 AM, DaveB wrote:
In article<4f6d3e94.4080...@c3energy.com>,
timekeepingntpl...@c3energy.com says...
Hi all,

I just discovered an interesting thing about the Sure board's serial -
USB converter.  I went ahead and installed the driver.  With this serial
- USB converter, which is a Silicon Labs CP210x chipset, no matter which
USB port I plug it into, it becomes COM6, which was the next one
available.  With the Prolific based devices, including the TU-S9 and the
BU-353, each subsequent USB port I plug into becomes a new com port, so
those devices became COM3, COM4, and COM5 respectively as I plugged them
into succeeding USB ports.  I can see pros and cons either way.

With the Prolific way, if I move the device to a different port, I have
to have a different setup in the ntp.conf file, although you could
probably have multiple setups, and if nothing is attached to a given
port, then it gets ignored.

With the Silicon Labs way, I only have to have one set of configuration
options in ntp.conf.  However, what happens if I plug in another device
with the same chipset?  I'm assuming the next one will become COM7.
But, now, if I unplug both and plug them back into the same ports, but
in the opposite sequence, I'll bet the original 1st device will now be
COM7 and the original 2nd device will be COM6.  I can see how this would
cause some problems.

I have not tested yet whether this board's USB port has a built in
driver in Linux.


Ron.  To "fix" wandering com ports in Windows, take a look at:-

(or:- http://preview.tinyurl.com/8592zvp  Goes to the same site above.)

Hope that helps a bit.  Maybe there are similar tweaks in Linux?

Dave B.

Hi Dave B,

Thanks for sharing this. I'm not sure I'm going to tweak the ports, but at least I'll know how. It actually confuses me a bit. Here's a quote from the site:

quote on -->

When you later re-connect the *same* USB<>Serial adapter, to the *same* USB port on the PC, it will re-appear again at the Com Port you just assigned it to, i.e. It's a "Sticky" setting. But, if you have a different adapter (even the same make & model) or connect the same one to a different USB port, you'll have to do all this again.

<-- quote off

Here's what happened to me. When I got my BU-353 GPS, which uses a Prolific chip set internally, I plugged it into each USB port in turn, and here is what happened:

Plugged into USB1 - was assigned to COM3
Plugged into USB2 - was assigned to COM4
Plugged into USB3 - was assigned to COM5

Then I tried my Trendnet TU-S9 serial - USB adapter, which uses the same chipset. From the above verbiage, I would expect to see that assigned to COM6, COM7, and COM8. But that is not what happened. Here is what actually happened.

Plugged into USB1 - was assigned to COM3
Plugged into USB2 - was assigned to COM4
Plugged into USB3 - was assigned to COM5

This, in fact loaded the same driver as it did when I plugged in the BU-353. So, it appears that they're not reading any sort of serial number, since it didn't recognize that I'd plugged in a "different" adapter.

To make matters even more confusing, if I plug the USB cord from the Sure board into each port in turn, I get this:

Plugged into USB1 - was assigned to COM6
Plugged into USB2 - was assigned to COM6
Plugged into USB3 - was assigned to COM6

None of this is a big deal at the moment. However, if I did have two Sure boards, and I wanted to hook them up at the same time, I would definitely want them to appear on different COM ports; and, if I swap the cables, it would be preferable that each still appear on the same COM port it did before.




(PS - If you email me and don't get a quick response, don't be concerned.
I get about 300 emails per day from alternate energy mailing lists and
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Ron Frazier
timekeepingdude AT c3energy.com

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