That page appears to be out-of-date. The current protocol, for NTP version 4, is here:

Note that there was a change from the earlier version, which did say "current day". Also, the LI ("Leap Indicator") field is only used to indicate presence/absence of an impending leap second.

The current doc says in part:

   The fields and associated packet variables (in parentheses) are
   interpreted as follows:

   LI Leap Indicator (leap): 2-bit integer warning of an impending leap
   second to be inserted or deleted in the last minute of the_*current
   month*_with values defined in Figure 9.

           | Value | Meaning                                |
           | 0     | no warning                             |
           | 1     | last minute of the day has 61 seconds  |
           | 2     | last minute of the day has 59 seconds  |
           | 3     | unknown (clock unsynchronized)         |

                         Figure 9: Leap Indicator

Technically, there should be no need for the 2-week buffer I suggested. However, it shouldn't hurt, and seems likely to add robustness. The true correct solution would be to ensure that ntpd clients pay as much attention to LI=00 from a server as to LI != 00 (and to fix the bug Martin filed, in which the LI field goes to 00 in the last second BEFORE the leap second - oops). Then they would be able to recover gracefully from a brief persistence of the LI=01 value past the leap second - assuming that no stratum 1 servers erroneously persisted the LI value. We really need to understand why that is happening - do we have version info from the servers that are still doing that?

Another suggestion... Should ntpd require that a stratum-1 server has a non-expired leap-second file, and that that file should override any upstream server for the LI data?


On 8/3/2012 11:48 AM, E-Mail Sent to this address will be added to the BlackLists wrote:
Martin Burnicki wrote:
clients to independently set LI=00 during, say the first
  half of the month, and to ignore the LI value from
  servers during that time.
I think you would have to be more exact than that.

  LI is used for more than one thing.


   According to the doc, LI only applies to the current day?

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