BlackLists wrote:
> Ulf Samuelsson wrote:
>> I am part of a small team that is evaluating how to
>>  replace some existing stratum 1 servers...
>> The NTP server we will be testing will be connected
>>  to a Cesium clock providing a 1pps pulse...
>> I want to check if this system can handle DDoS attacks,
>>  and bad packets.
>> This will be done in a lab environment, possibly
>>  point-to-point from the test machine, to the server...
> I think I've seen some data on the University of Wisconsin
>  unintentional ntp DDOS, as well as some other occurrences;
>   IIRC, the upstream pipe was as much or more of a issue,
>    than anything else.

This might be a source of relevant information:

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