Robert Scott wrote:

As I explained in another thread last week, my app is not a time app.
It is a precision audio frequency measuring app.  The users of this
app expect frequency accuracy on the order of 12 ppm.  To achieve this

I had previously assumed this was an electronic tuning fork, generating a reference sine wave for by ear tuning. If it is measuring the frequency, the first problem is going to be defining what you mean by frequency. In Fourier terms, the spectral width of a piano note is going to be more than 12ppm and depend on the exact interval over which you measure it. I would also suspect that the zero crossing interval changes significantly during the note, particularly at the start.

I don't see how $300 can be considered low cost.

It is quite simple.  There are no comparable apps to mine that cost
less.  There are two comparable apps to mine that cost quite a bit

This sounds like pricing is based on hardware designs that haven't changed significantly in 30 years.

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