On 2013-05-21, Mischanko, Edward T <edward.mischa...@arcelormittal.com> wrote:

My concern is that too much data is being thrown away when polling
above 256 seconds and that allows excessive wandering of my clock.

If too much data is being thrown away, it would be because the poll adjust algorithm has chosen too high a poll interval (or you have too high a minpoll) for the noise statistics. The samples are, effectively, put through an IIR digital low pass filter, with a bandwidth that is sufficiently narrow that variations across the 8 samples are largely suppressed. However, if you include all the samples, their overall average is likely to be biassed away from a zero error, and as that is likely to not change, or only change slowly from one group of 8 to the next, it will introduce an error that is not filtered out.

It is not throwing out anything like the equivalent of 7 out of eight samples, because the contributions of the variations between samples are high frequency noise, which is probably being attenuated by a factor significantly more than 8.

The way that ntpd chooses the poll interval is by looking at the offset and jitter (exponential average of sample to sample variations). If the offset consistently exceeds the jitter, it means that part of the offset cannot be accounted for by the measurement noise, and more aggressive correction is needed. Unfortunately, if something make the crystal frequency change suddenly, after a long stable period, it can take some time before it realises it needs to do aggressive correction.

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