On 2013-11-03, Antonio Marcheselli <pu...@me.la> wrote:
> On 03/11/2013 05:55, David Taylor wrote:
>> On 02/11/2013 20:41, unruh wrote:
>>> On 2013-11-02, antonio.marchese...@gmail.com
>>> <antonio.marchese...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> []
>>>> How can I verify if the stepping has been disabled or not?
>>>> ntp.drift at the moment is -500.000
>>> Which is way out of spec and cannot be corrected by ntpd.
>> Yes, it can be corrected.  There are ways of offsetting NTP to allow for
>> clocks which are more than 500 ppm off nominal.  Likely it's
>> OS-dependant, but for Windows I documented the method here:
>>    http://www.satsignal.eu/ntp/setup.html#broken-clock

There is information about fixing this issue in the NTP Community
Supported Documentation at

Steve Kostecke <koste...@ntp.org>
NTP Public Services Project - http://support.ntp.org/

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