unruh writes:
> On 2013-12-07, Harlan Stenn <st...@ntp.org> wrote:
> > unruh writes:
> >> As I said, get chrony if you want much faster convergence, if you want
> >> better control of the time offset from UTC, and if yourun Linux or
> >> BSD.
> >
> > And this begs the question of "faster convergence towards *what*?"
> UTC :-)

At least you added the smiley.

> > NTP looks a a number of time sources, finds a majority clique that
> > exhibit "good" (consistent with respect to each other, as observed by
> > the local system) behavior, and steers the clock towards that time.
> So does chrony, except that it takes one of those (the one with the
> smallest spread I believe) as the representative.

And this is the crux of the difference in approach, as it "shifts faith"
from the current machine to the machine being followed.

Sometimes this will be right and sometimes it will be wrong.

> > As I understand it, chrony steers the local clock towards the master
> > time source it is following.
> And it figures out which source it is following by looking at all of
> the sources it is following.

Is there something other than the code where I can learn more about

> > Assuming this is all true (or true enough), there are times and
> > situations where one of these approaches is better than the other, and
> > other times and situations where the converse is true.
> Yes, but tests that both I and Lichvar have run show that chrony follows
> to much higher accuracy than does ntpd.

And again, it is not clear that chrony is following the better source of

This is a topic that needs serious "instrumenting".

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