Uwe Klein wrote:
Martin Burnicki wrote:
There are network switches out there which are PTP-aware and also
timestamp incoming and outgoing PTP packets to compensate the
introduced packet delay in some way, but there are no switches (AFAIK)
which can do this with NTP packets, so even if you used hardware time
stamping of NTP packets on NTP end nodes the resulting accuracy would
still be worse than with PTP.

That's too sad.

What about an RFC for ntp over ptp ;-?

There are a number of possible ways to implement this.

- As a special refclock driver as has been described here

- As an additional daemon which just feeds tthe SHM driver

- Have a PTP daemon running and disciplinin the system time, and just use ntpd with it's "local clock" driver to make the disciplined time available via NTP ;-)


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