On 2014-03-01, boostinbad...@gmail.com <boostinbad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My NTP server is part of the pool project and appears to be running
> fine. Comcast contacted me about a month ago to let me know that my
> NTP server was infected with a bot. I checked and everything seems to
> be ok. I re-enabled my server about a week ago and I received another
> phone call last week concerning security on my network.
> I contacted Ask and he said that it was not a bot but an issue with
> my server allowing management requests.

The problem is most likely:


> I asked Ask how to properly configure my Meinberg client to not allow
> management requests because I understand that they can be problematic.
> I know the config for ntpd but I am not sure of the proper syntax for
> Meinberg. Can someone provide me with that info?

(from http://www.meinbergglobal.com/english/sw/ntp.htm)

"The [Meinberg] NTP package contains a GUI installer for Windows which
installs executable programs which have been compiled from the original
NTP sources available at the NTP download page at ntp.org. The GUI
installer also contains the corresponding HTML based NTP documentation,
plus a current OpenSSL DLL required by NTP to support authentication.
Unattended installation is also supported. Please see the NTP Installer
Readme for help on how to use the installer.

If you have any questions or feedback regarding the Meinberg Windows
Installer for NTP, please send your mail to ntp-supp...@meinberg.de."

The NTP Distribution HTML documentation is archived at

Steve Kostecke <koste...@ntp.org>
NTP Public Services Project - http://support.ntp.org/

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