Rob <> wrote:
> <> wrote:
>>>> Your transmitters will have to be contained within a circle of 3.6km, 
>>>> reduced by the timing errors in the modulation at 0.3km/microsecond.
>>> This turns out to be not the case.  Networks like this have been operating
>>> for decades, only those were constructed using analog leased lines so
>>> there was no relation to ntp, soundcards etc.
>> Just what part, given your original conditions, is not true about this?
> It turns out to be working even though there are differences in path
> lengths, but for it to be working well one must not start off with a
> large difference in modulation timing.  The goal is to be within 12us.


What would you see as a timing difference given no correction?

What is your definition of "working well"?

How do you avoid picket fencing?

Jim Pennino

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