On 2014-04-27, Rob <nom...@example.com> wrote:
> j...@specsol.spam.sux.com <j...@specsol.spam.sux.com> wrote:
>>> The listeners should enjoy a smooth reception while driving around.
>>> So of course there should be no time lag between the modulation signals
>>> of the different transmitters.  Experts in the field tell us we should
>>> be within 12us.
>> Unless I fat fingered the calculator, that means the difference in distance
>> between transmitters relative to the receiver can be no more than 3.6 km.
>> 300 meters per microsecond; it is the law...
> The goal is not to have 12us difference in arrival time, but to be
> within 12us for transmission time.

Why not within 12 psec? Ie, what is the reason for this requirement? 
And I thought this thread started with 1ms.

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