On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 9:29 AM, Sander Smeenk <ssme...@freshdot.net> wrote:

> 1) Can i get a 'true PPS sync' with this setup?


> Eliminating gpsd so 'ntpq -p' shows 'oSHM(1)' instead of '*SHM(1)' ?

What do you mean by "Eliminating"?

> 2) What could i possibly do to get NTP to sync/accept the NMEA data,
other than set it as a truechimer in the configuration?

Get a source of NMEA data that's presented at a consistent offset from the
PPS pulse.

Unless someone needs to share position and velocity data
I don't understand why gpsd is used to proxy NMEA data.  The NMEA (or ATOM)
driver is sufficient.
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