On 2014-12-20, William Unruh <un...@invalid.ca> wrote:
> On 2014-12-20, David Woolley <david@ex.djwhome.demon.invalid> wrote:
>> On 20/12/14 09:22, Martin Burnicki wrote:
>>> As far as I understand the reports on bugzilla the main vulnerabilities
>>> are in functions where signed packets (symmetric key or autokey) are
>>> received/checked, or dynamic/remote configuration via ntpq and/or ntpdc
>>> is enabled, which, as far as I know also requires some sort of crypto
>>> top be enabled.
>> One might be in a pure status enquiry, so you may have to set noquery.
>> In any case, except possibly for people using encryption, and maybe not 
>> even them, these affect neither client nor server mode, only remote 
>> management.
> How can we, as users, protect ourselves against these bugs, assuming
> 4.2.8 is not installable at the present time. How would one set no
> crypto in the conf file? How can one disable remote management?

The two bugs that might be dangerous are


* Buffer overflow in ctl_putdata()

  References: Sec 2668 / CVE-2014-9295 / VU#852879
  CVSS: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P) Base Score: 7.5
  Versions: All NTP4 releases before 4.2.8
  Date Resolved: Stable (4.2.8) 18 Dec 2014

  Summary: A remote attacker can send a carefully crafted packet that
   can overflow a stack buffer and potentially allow malicious
   code to be executed with the privilege level of the ntpd process.

  Mitigation: Upgrade to 4.2.8, or later.

  Credit: This vulnerability was discovered by Stephen Roettger of the
   Google Security Team.

* Buffer overflow in configure()

  References: Sec 2669 / CVE-2014-9295 / VU#852879
  CVSS: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P) Base Score: 7.5
  Versions: All NTP4 releases before 4.2.8
  Date Resolved: Stable (4.2.8) 18 Dec 2014

  Summary: A remote attacker can send a carefully crafted packet that
   can overflow a stack buffer and potentially allow malicious
   code to be executed with the privilege level of the ntpd process.

  Mitigation: Upgrade to 4.2.8, or later.

  Credit: This vulnerability was discovered by Stephen Roettger of the
   Google Security Team.


Both say "carefully crafted packet" but do not say what kind of packet.
Is it an ntp packet (ie a time exchange packet)? is it a control packet
(eg ntpq type packet?) or what?
Ie, unless you use crypto, these two look like they might be dangerous.

I find the lack of information disturbing.

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