On 1/19/2015 8:05 AM, David Woolley wrote:
You are relying on an appendix that deals with representation of dates.
The main part of the standard is worded in terms of their being missing

How proving that you're unable to provide a quote to back up what is, quite simply, a blatant lie.

The word "missing" appears nowhere in ITU-R TF.460-6. There are no appendices in the standard. Finally, in ITU documents, annexes are normative.

" annex: An annex to a Recommendation contains material (e.g. technical detail or explanation) which is necessary to its overall completeness and comprehensibility and is therefore considered an integral part of the Recommendation... appendix: An appendix to a Recommendation contains material which is supplementary to and associated with the subject matter of the Recommendation but is not essential to its completeness or comprehensibility..."
- ITU-T A.1 (10/2008)

I've already quoted the relevant part.

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