Martin might have a good answer for you.

I'd like to see these instructions written up.

You might not need orphan mode at all - just the plain local refclock

You might also just need a "customized" leapseconds file.


Ask Bj?rn Hansen writes:
> Hi everyone,
> I am trying to setup an ntpd to use the local clock as the "reference source"
>  and so I can set the time to late June and verify 1) what ntpd does and 2) w
> hat clients do.
> I had it working with the 4.2.4 that comes with FreeBSD 10.1 (and the local c
> lock), but I wanted to use 4.2.8 since that's what is supported (and because 
> of the better, I think, support for the leap second list file).
> With 4.2.4 then I could configure ntpd with this and it'd serve time to clien
> ts:
> server minpoll 4 maxpoll 5
> fudge stratum 4
> WIth 4.2.8 it never thinks it's in sync with that configuration.
> I've also tried with variations of 
> tos orphan 3 orphanwait 2
> and "tos orphan" plus the local clock.
> Finally then I've tried adding a bogus server (one that never responds) on a 
> server line in case ntpd really wants to try reaching a real clock before it'
> ll give up and trust the local clock, but I keep getting " Server d
> ropped: Server has gone too long without sync" from ntpd.
> What am I missing?
> Ask
> faketime# ntpq -c pe -n
>      remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitte
> r
> =============================================================================
> =
>     .LOCL.           4 l    7   16  377    0.000    0.000   0.00
> 0
>     .INIT.          16 u    -   32    0    0.000    0.000   0.00
> 0
> faketime# ntpq -c rv
> assID=0 status=4019 leap_add_sec, sync_unspec, 1 event, event_9,
> version="ntpd 4.2.8p1@1.3265-o Wed Feb 11 14:52:45 UTC 2015 (1)",
> processor="amd64", system="FreeBSD/10.1-STABLE", leap=01, stratum=3,
> precision=-24, rootdelay=0.000, rootdisp=0.000, refid=,
> reftime=00000000.00000000  Thu, Feb  7 2036  6:28:16.000,
> clock=d93d2598.951cfd78  Tue, Jun 30 2015 14:26:32.582, peer=0, tc=3,
> mintc=3, offset=0.000, frequency=0.000, sys_jitter=0.000000,
> clk_jitter=0.000, clk_wander=0.000, tai=35, leapsec=201507010000,
> expire=201512280000
> $ ntpdate -qvd -p 1 faketime.local
> 23 Feb 16:21:58 ntpdate[94790]: ntpdate 4.2.6@1.2089-o Fri May 28 01:20:57 UT
> C 2010 (1)
> Looking for host faketime.local and service ntp
> host found :
> transmit(
> receive(
> transmit(
> Server dropped: Server has gone too long without sync
> server, port 123
> stratum 3, precision -24, leap 01, trust 000
> refid [], delay 0.02599, dispersion 0.00000
> transmitted 1, in filter 1
> reference time:    00000000.00000000  Sun, Dec 31 1899 16:00:00.000
> originate timestamp: d93d25b5.9dba6981  Tue, Jun 30 2015  7:27:01.616
> transmit timestamp:  d89642a9.e6ba0620  Mon, Feb 23 2015 16:22:01.901
> filter delay:  0.02599  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000
>          0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000
> filter offset: 10937099 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
>          0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
> delay 0.02599, dispersion 0.00000
> offset 10937099.714600
> 23 Feb 16:22:01 ntpdate[94790]: no server suitable for synchronization found
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