On 2015-02-23 17:23, Ask Bjørn Hansen wrote:
I am trying to setup an ntpd to use the local clock as the "reference source" 
and so I can set the time to late June and verify 1) what ntpd does and 2) what clients 
I had it working with the 4.2.4 that comes with FreeBSD 10.1 (and the local 
clock), but I wanted to use 4.2.8 since that's what is supported (and because 
of the better, I think, support for the leap second list file).
With 4.2.4 then I could configure ntpd with this and it'd serve time to clients:
server minpoll 4 maxpoll 5
fudge stratum 4
WIth 4.2.8 it never thinks it's in sync with that configuration.
I've also tried with variations of
tos orphan 3 orphanwait 2
and "tos orphan" plus the local clock.
Finally then I've tried adding a bogus server (one that never responds) on a server line 
in case ntpd really wants to try reaching a real clock before it'll give up and trust the 
local clock, but I keep getting " Server dropped: Server has gone too long 
without sync" from ntpd.
What am I missing?

IIRC recent releases mark LCL unselectable if any
other sources are configured: so remove other
Try adding server option true to force selection;
maybe also set fudge time2 to drift rate?
If all else fails try dev 4.3.0 and hack ;^>
Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis
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