Hello Elliot,

I think number 5 it's the correct one.

Thanks for your help.

On 8 March 2017 at 11:41, Charles Elliott <elliott...@comcast.net> wrote:

> I don't understand what you mean by the word "petition."
> Petition:
> 1.  A formally drawn request, often bearing the names of a number of those
> making the request, that is addressed to a person or group of persons in
> authority or power, soliciting some favor, right, mercy, or other benefit:
> a
> petition for clemency; a petition for the repeal of an unfair law.
> 2.  A request made for something desired, especially a respectful or humble
> request, as to a superior or to one of those in authority; a supplication
> or
> prayer: a petition for aid; a petition to God for courage and strength.
> 3.  Something that is sought by request or entreaty: to receive one's full
> petition.
> 4.  Law: an application for a court order or for some other judicial
> action.
> -v.t
> 5.  To beg for or request (something).
> 6.  To address a formal petition to (a sovereign, a legislative body,
> etc.):
> He received everything for which he had petitioned the king.
> 7.  To ask by petition for (something).
> -v.i
> 8.  To present a petition.
> 9.  To address our present a formal petition.
> 10.  To request or solicit, as by a petition: to petition for redress of
> grievances.
> That being said, according to the comments in the NTPD code listing, the
> ability to monitor and record incoming requests for time has been disabled
> in production servers because of the time it takes.
> Ntpdc has been deprecated and is no longer supported.
> Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, recently wrote this to this NTP
> questions mail list:
> You can tweak the monitor stats collection with the mru conf statement:
> mru [maxdepth count | maxmem kilobytes | mindepth count | maxage seconds
>         | initalloc count | initmem kilobytes | incalloc count
>         | incmem kilobytes]
> https://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/html/miscopt.html#mru
> e.g. you may want to increase maxage to e.g. 86400s from default 64s and
> reduce mindepth to your max peak addresses count from default 600, so when
> you hit your peak addresses count, anything older than a day is evicted and
> replaced by a newer entry.
> I'd use awk for simple filtering of values like this e.g.
> $ ntpq -c mrulist 2> /dev/null | awk '$8 == "123" && $1 <= 86400'
> which you can easily expand on to do stats, or pass to a plot package.
> Good luck,
> Charles Elliott
> -----Original Message-----
> From: questions
> [mailto:questions-bounces+elliott.ch=comcast....@lists.ntp.org] On Behalf
> Of
> Micron
> Sent: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 5:53 AM
> To: questions@lists.ntp.org
> Subject: [ntp:questions] NTP server - Number of received petitions.
> Hello.
> Recently, I've added my NTP server in the pool and I'm looking for the way
> to know the number of petitions received from clients.
> If I run "ntpdc -c iostats", the number under the label "received packets"
> are the petitions received in my server?
> Thanks.
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